Good Morning,
As we slowly start to bring members of our team back to work we’ve been able to release Jeremy from the packing department (much to his delight). He now spends his afternoons planning how to improve your customer experience…so he says…let us know!

‘Department S’ continues to throw up all sorts and the latest boxes we have discovered are filled with parts from the ’80s and early ’90s. We will be leaving these parts to mature for a few more years in order to make sorting and listing worthwhile.
Other boxes however offered up more period examples of Lucas parts, made and beautifully packed in the ’60s. Perhaps the highlight of discovery are these Trico washer bottles below. They were put away in a ‘safe place’ whilst building work was carried out a few years ago and have been rediscovered this week – they have all been tested and are now on special offer – 30% off whilst limited stocks last.
Click here to buy now!
We are continuously adding such parts to our eBay shop. All of which can be viewed by clicking here.

L622 – 54570272 Vauxhall Victor Indicator lamp rims
L653 – 54571298 Hillman Minx Hawk Indicator lamp rims
L735 – 54574620 Austin 3 Litre Wolseley 18/85 Six Lucas Side Indicator Chrome Rim
Remember if you do have a broken Lucas item take a very good look at it as it will have a Lucas part number on it – input that on the home page search or call us on 01885 488 488.
In other news:
Passing of a friend and avid sign & petrol pup collector

Dave shared our love for motoring retromobilia and had an impressive collection, of pumps, signs, oil cans, and much more in his own private museum.
Dave’s coffin was made by his sons Dunc and Dec under the instruction of uncle Don and fitted with vintage petrol pump nozzles as coffin handles. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
Finally, the Vauxhall 30-98 gaining a bit of extra Horse Power this week…..
That is it from us, we hope that you are well and that your ‘lockdown projects’ are keeping you busy.
Best wishes,
The team at Holdens